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「你覺得怎麼樣?」英文不是 How do you think!常見英文問句錯誤

2019-03-08 授權轉載 世界公民文化中心

Maggie 好不容易完成了計畫案,想聽聽外籍同事的意見。於是她問:
How do you think of the proposal?(X)
外籍同事一聽沒意會過來,一問之下才知道原來 Maggie 要問的是:
What do you think of the proposal?(O)

問別人意見,中文裡我們會說「你對計畫案想法如何?」因為有「如何」兩字,很自然就會聯想到 how,其實這樣問是錯的,因為 how 是問方法、程度,用 how 問的話,會變成:「你怎麼思考…」「你如何想到…」,與原意不符。


1. 加拿大的首都是哪裡?

(X)Where is the capital of Canada?
(O)What is the capital of Canada?

這兩句想問的資訊不同,前者是問加拿大首都「渥太華」位於何方,後者則是問加拿大的首都是哪個城市。很多人想問的是城市名,卻因為中文問法用「哪裡」,錯用 where 做疑問詞。

2. 你家附近的環境怎麼樣?

(X)How's the environment like near your house?
(O)What's the environment like near your house?

How is 詢問人的健康狀況或事物的狀態,What is… like 則是在尋求對人或事物的描述。例如:How was that movie?是想知道對方看完電影後的感受,What was that movie like?則是在問電影的劇情。

3. 那張椅子的價錢是多少?

(X)How much is the price of that chair?
(O)What is the price of that chair?

受到中文「多少」二字的影響,所以使用 how much 來提問,但要注意,這個問句後面多了個 price,而 how much 本身已有 price 的意思,所以應改為 what。或者去掉 price,直接用 How much is the chair?

4. 紐約的人口有多少?

(X)How many is the population of New York?
(O)What is the population of New York?


  • What is the population of New York?
  • How large is the population of New York?
  • How many people are there in New York?

5. 你們當中誰已經提出申請?

(X)Who of you has sent in your application?
(O)Which of you has sent in your application?

who of you 已被視為古老用法,在現代文法中,只有 which 後面才可以接 of 片語。

(本文出自世界公民文化中心,熟到老外都覺得你英文好,加入量身訂做的 1on1 program)

繼續閱讀 職場英文


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