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2020-04-13 授權轉載 VoiceTube



William 和 Kate 坐在客廳的沙發上,無聊地轉著電視。窗外風光明媚、鳥語花香,William 嘆了一口氣,轉過頭對旁邊的 Kate 說…

William: My enthusiasm is waning in dribs and drabs. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. How soon until we can go out and party again?
William: 我的熱誠正在一點一滴流失。我不知道還能承受多久。我們什麼時候可以再開趴狂歡?

Kate: I know. Staying indoors is killing me. But this is for our safety. Taiwan is actually doing a great job controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kate: 我懂你,待在室內快讓我瘋了。不過這是為了我們的安全。台灣在控制疫情方面其實做得不錯。

William: How so?
William: 怎麼說?

Kate: Taiwan has implemented more than 130 pandemic-prevention policies so far. These policies include border controls and mandatory quarantines. Our confirmed cases are under 400. I would say we’ve pulled off a good job given the circumstances.
Kate: 台灣目前已經實行超過 130 項防疫措施。這些政策包括邊境管制和隔離措施。我們的確診案例不到 400 。考量到目前情況,我會說我們做得不錯。

William: That’s true. I think people in Taiwan are also doing a great job. People wear face masks when taking public transportation, and they’re aware of sanitizing.
William: 這是真的。我覺得台灣的人們也做得很好。大家搭公共交通工具都會戴口罩,也很注重消毒。

dribs and drabs (phr.) 一點一滴

「一點一滴」通常代表「緩慢」,是不是很常用到 slowly (慢慢地) 這個副詞呢?現在學到替換用語了!

dribs 和 drabs 都代表「少量」 ,這個慣用語在 19 世紀第一次出現,目前除了用在 dribs and drabs 這個片語之外,drib 和 drab 已經不太會被用到了噢!dribs and drabs 的意思是「零碎,少量」,通常與介系詞 in 搭配使用,代表「一點一點地,三三兩兩地」。

Donations for the new school came in in dribs and drabs, but they eventually reached their target.

People started coming back to Taiwan in dribs and drabs after the government announced border controls.

border controls (n.) 邊境管制

境管制代表國家可以控制邊境流量,做出多一點防範 ,對疫情控管可是非常重要的!border 為名詞,意思是「國境;邊界」,而 control 在這裡也做名詞使用,意思是「掌握;控制」。

The implementation of border controls is going well.

public transportation (n.) 公共交通工具

在疫情嚴重的狀況下,搭乘公共交通工具一定要注意安全,大家有記得戴口罩嗎?public 在此處作形容詞使用,意思是「公立的,公共的」,而 transportation 是名詞,指「交通工具;車輛」。「搭乘」公共交通工具要用 take 這個動詞。順便告訴大家「上公車」、「下功車」的英文,上公車是 get on the bus,下公車則是 get off the bus。

Don’t forget to wear your face mask when you’re taking public transportation.

聊到台灣的疫情控制,William 和 Kate 接下去講到更多措施。

Kate: The mask-rationing plan is pretty smart. It gives people an equal amount of masks to prevent stockpiling.
Kate: 我覺得口罩實名制還滿聰明的,強制給民眾相同數量的口罩。可以避免人們囤貨。

William: But I still think it’s inconvenient because we have to wait in a long line to get face masks. Lining up takes ages.
William: 但我覺得排隊拿口罩好不方便。排隊要花好多時間。

Kate: It’s still better than having no masks to buy at all! By the way, Taiwan also set up a “National Face Mask Team” a month ago to produce masks.
Kate: 比起完全沒口罩買,排隊還是比較好吧!順帶一提,台灣也在一個月前設立了「口罩國家隊」。

William: Does that mean it’ll get easier and easier to buy masks?
William: 這代表買口罩會變得越來越容易嗎?

Kate: Fortunately, yes!
Kate: 萬幸地,沒錯!

mask-rationing plan (n.) 口罩實名制

雖然買口罩要排隊,不過每個人拿的數量相同,不會有某些人囤貨、造成多數人沒有口罩買的窘境,小編覺得實名制還是利大於弊,你覺得呢?mask 的中文是「面具,口罩」; ration 的意思為「配給量,定量配給」 ;plan 則為「計劃,方案」,合在一起就變「定量配給口罩的計畫」,搖身一變——「口罩實名制」!

Taiwan’s mask-rationing plan ensures masks are fairly and equally distributed.

line up (phr.) 排隊

排隊也是群聚的一種,大家排隊買口罩時,別忘了也要戴上口罩噢!line up 是很直觀的一個片語,line 的意思是「行,排,列」,加上介系詞 up,就變成「排成一行」——「排隊」!

People have been lining up overnight for the newest Apple product, released today.

set up (phr.) 設立

講到「設立」不要只會用 establish 了啦,改用用看動詞片語 set up 吧!set 有「設定」的意思,像手機裡的「控制中心」就叫做 settings 噢!

The hospital was set up by a millionaire whose husband died of cancer.


(本文出自 VoiceTube

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