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「好嗨」英文不是 so high!這樣講,外國人真的要被你嚇死了

2020-05-12 VoiceTube

中文常說「我好嗨」來表示興奮、喜悅,但可別跟外國人說 I'm so high! 不然你就有「大麻」煩了!本篇就要教你各種興奮、快樂的英文說法,讓你更貼切表達自己的情緒!

Kelly 一回家就看到室友 Peta 坐在電腦前傻笑。

Kelly: Peta, what are you so happy about? You're grinning from ear to ear!

Peta: I'’m pumped about Jolin's concert tomorrow!

Kelly: You got a ticket? You're so lucky! Those were all snapped up months ago!

Peta: Yeah, I really lucked out this time.

Kelly: I've been to one of her concerts before. Everyone was so hyped!

Peta: That's why I like to go to live concerts. I always feel a sense of belonging there. Like… these are my people.

Kelly: Hope you have a blast tomorrow.

Peta: Thanks, I'll get you some merch.

grin from ear to ear (phr.) 笑得合不攏嘴

動詞 grin 意為「露齒而笑;咧嘴而笑」,如果笑到嘴巴都要拉到耳朵了,就是指「笑得合不攏嘴;非常開心」。

例句:The boss grinned from ear to ear after the client signed the contract.(客戶簽了合約後,老闆就笑得合不攏嘴。)

pumped (adj.) 非常興奮

動詞 pump 有「打氣」的意思,形容詞 pumped 就是指人像是已經充飽了氣,「非常興奮」的意思,後面可以加上介系詞 about 再接受詞,指「對某事感到相當興奮」。

例句:She was totally pumped for her vacation to Hawaii.(她對那趟去夏威夷的度假感到很興奮。)

hyped (adj.) 很嗨的、很興奮的

hype 原本指媒體的「宣傳;炒作」,後來形容詞 hyped 便衍伸為「很嗨的;很興奮的」。要注意中文常說的「很 high」,其實這是指吸食毒品後帶來的愉悅、快感,所以千萬別說 I’m so high 哦

例句:The rock band's concert was totally sick and all of their fans got hyped.(那個搖滾樂隊的演唱會超炫的,所有粉絲都超嗨的。)

假日,Peta 和 Kelly 兩人悠閒地待在宿舍。

Kelly: Oh yes! Awesome!
Kelly:喔 YES!爽啦!

Pete: Whoa! What's up? Why are you jumping for joy?

Kelly: I won the fourth prize in the receipt lottery!

Pete: Fourth prize! That's 4000 NTD. Lucky!
Pete:四獎!那就是台幣 4000 元耶,妳真走運!

Kelly: Are you free tomorrow? We can go to the all-you-can-eat restaurant with the windfall.

Pete: I'm on cloud nine! This couldn't have come at a better time. I'm totally broke after spending all of my money at the concert.

Kelly: I know. I heard you've been living off of white bread for the past week, so let's pig out!

Pete: Buffet with my bestie! Does life get any better than this?

jump for joy (phr.) 非常雀躍、開心

jump for joy 這個片語很好理解,就像是開心得蹦蹦跳跳一樣,用來形容人「非常雀躍、開心」。

例句:He jumped for joy when he received the admission letter from Harvard.(收到哈佛大學的錄取通知書後,他就非常開心得不得了。)

windfall (n.) 意外之財

windfall 原本是指被風吹落的水果,後來便衍伸為「意外之財」,pennies from heaven 也有一樣的意思。

例句:She donated her lottery windfall to charity.(她將中樂透的意外之財捐給慈善機構)

be on cloud nine (phr.) 樂不可支

be on cloud nine 或 be in seventh heaven 都是用來形容極為快樂的情緒,中文翻譯為「樂不可支;樂翻了」。

例句:He was on cloud nine when the team he supported won the game.(他支持的隊伍獲勝後,他簡直樂翻了。)

除了 happy、excited 之外,這些表達快樂、興奮的說法更能讓人知道你有多開心唷!

(本文出自 VoiceTube

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